What is ghusl?

Ghusl means bath. Ghusl is necessary to keep the body clean and tidy. It should be performed after completing the monthly period, after ejaculation, or after sexual intercourse.

Make intention that I am performing Ghusl to become Paak. Without intention, ghusl will be valid but

there will be no reward. It is preferable to perform ghusl according to Sunnah, but not compulsory.

Three obligatory things:

  •  Passing water into and out of the mouth ( gargling )
  •  Putting water into the nostrils up to the ending of the fleshy part.
  •  Passing water over the entire body. Every hair and skin of the body must get wet. Even if a single hair or a small portion of skin is not washed the Ghusl will not be completed

Procedure for performing ghusl:

  •  Wash both hands up to and including wrists three times.
  •  Wash the private parts. (Regardless of whether or not you can see any impurity).
  •  Perform Wudhu or ablution.
  •  Pour water over the head thrice.
  •  Then pour thrice over right shoulder and thrice again over left shoulder.
  •  Pour water on the whole of your body (this is when you can rub soap over your body).
  •  All parts of the body should be rubbed with the hand so as to ensure that water has reached all parts of the body, and that no portion is left dry.
  •  Ensure that the navel and the ears are all wetted.
  •  Dry the body with a clean towel, and dress as hastily as possible.


  • Do not recite any kalmah or ayah during ghusl.
  • Water should not be wasted.
  • One’s face should not be towards Kabah.
  • It should be made in a private place, no one can see you.
  • Ghusl can be made standing or seated, preferably seated.
  • Rings and earrings, etc. should be moved so as to ensure that no portion covered by them is left dry.
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